EGO: Problems of Definition
by Joseph C. Maurone
Is the appeal of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged to adolescents a sign of arrested development or a sign of a healthy mind? The answer may lie in Rand's celebration of the Ego. (Read more...)
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The Despicable Racism of Debt Relief.
by David Stanley Baker
Debt relief without governmental change is immoral and racist. It is stealing (from the creditor and taxpayer) and reinforcing irresponsible and criminal behaviour. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 16, 2005 |
The Road to Objective Economics: Hayek Takes a Wrong Turn
by Edward W. Younkins
Although Ayn Rand (1905-1982) was not an economist, her rational epistemology and Objectivist ethics not only bring us back on the road to objective economics traveled by Austrians such as Menger and Rothbard, her ideas move us further down that road. Her epistemology transcends both Mises’ rationalism and Hayek’s empiricism. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 2, 2005 |
by Ayn Rand
Through all the darkness, through all the shame of which men are capable, the spirit of man will remain alive on this earth. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #7 - Miscellaneous Misconceptions
by Robert James Bidinotto
(Editor's note - a post on one of the 'Sicking The Saddamite' threads so outstanding that I have pulled it up as an article. - Linz)
If the debates raging on this forum prove anything, it is the complete incompatibility of the worldviews, strategies, institutions and policy recommendations between those holding anarchist views, and those advancing limited government views. Sadly, the anarchist position now reigns supreme on the staffs at virtually all the major self-defined "libertarian" organs. ... More fundamentally: leading libertarian thinkers are all but unanimous in equating "libertarianism" with philosophic agnosticism ... (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #5: It Works!
by Barbara Branden
When I see what a people, most of whom have never experienced freedom, will dare for the chance to be free, I know that one must never give up on the human race. And one must never give up on America ... we must always remember that here, in this land that is the world’s last best hope, we have come as close to perfection as we human beings, in our slow advance through blood-soaked centuries, have yet come. And that is very close indeed. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #6: Machan's Musings - A Contrary View
by Tibor R. Machan
Liberty is indeed a worthy goal for the US government to champion and pursue, but not by means that undermine that very goal, namely, embarking on military aggression, even if it’s against a dictator like Saddam Hussein. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites - Introduction
by Lindsay Perigo
Yes, we understand that democracy is no guarantor of freedom. We understand that grave perils still lie ahead for Iraq. But we understand also that the first, fitful steps towards a culture of freedom in the Middle East have been taken. Beheaders, car-bombers and their Saddamite fellow-travellers notwithstanding. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #1 - To The Iraqis! Long May They Prosper In Liberty!
by Robert Winefield
Yesterday's events give me hope that Iraq will one day be as states like Ireland, Germany, Japan and the USA are today. Each of them withstood a great deal of blood-letting on their path to establishing societies (flawed and all though they might be) of and for free men and women. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #2 - Rockwellians: Enemies Of Liberty
by Steven Thomas Druckenmiller
The neo-confederates at LewRockwell.com may be the most dangerous enemies of liberty since Noam Chomsky. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #3 - They Really Do Hate Freedom!
by Jason Pappas
The problem is not that Muslims aren’t attracted to life in the West. Just the opposite! Devout Muslims hate that fact. Why is that so hard to understand? The deeply religious have always had problems with freedom. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #4 - The Honorable Senator Kennedy
by James Kilbourne
As we await the results of the first free election in Iraqi history, Ted Kennedy has declared that our policies for the War on Terror are a complete failure and that we need to pull out of Iraq and admit this fact. (Read more...)
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Freedomist vs. Libertarian -- A Debate Challenge
by R.J. Rummel
Because I depart so strongly from most libertarians in supporting President Bush's foreign policy and war on terror, but am a libertarian on domestic policy, I sugggest a new term for libertarians who agree with me. We are freedomists. Our philosophy is freedomism. On this I challenge libertarians who oppose Bush's foreign policy to a debate on my blog: Freedomist vs. Libertarian
My email is: rummel@hawaii.edu (Read more...)
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Calling All Objectivists To Ogle Moogul!
by Luke Setzer
Moogul allows anyone to post anything to their site to lend to anyone according to mutually agreeable terms and conditions. Although few Objectivist items currently populate the site, the service could supply a boon to SOLO members who want a reliable way to lend and to borrow Objectivist materials. (Read more...)
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Be Proud, Modern Patriots!
by Eric J. Tower
For too long now patriotism has been synonymous with nationalism—a most bitter and evil form of collectivism. This title of 'patriot' is a title of virtue that we cannot afford to abandon to the enemies of freedom. It is time to reclaim it, modern patriot, and tout it with pride. A patriot defends liberty, not the will of the collective! (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand At The APA In Boston - A Brief Report
by Fred Seddon
I have been going to this convention since the late 80s and this is the first time Rand has been given so much attention. (Read more...)
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Thursday December 30, 2004 |
Political Correctness Threatens Free Society
by Edward W. Younkins
Political correctness involves the translation of Marxism from economic terms into cultural terms. The premise underlying political correctness is that if the elite can change the language then they can change the way individuals act and thus change society. Political correctness has corrupted the news media, universit... (Read more...)
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Rousseau And Kant - Partners In Crime
by Lindsay Perigo
Objectivists looking to promote a renaissance of Enlightenment values may legitimately identify Kant’s teachings as pernicious; let us not, however, overlook the influence of his partner-in-crime, Rousseau. (Read more...)
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A Response To Robert Bidinotto
by Lindsay Perigo
A friend who doesn’t speak the truth as he sees it is not a friend at all, in my book. And yes, it cuts both ways. (Read more...)
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The Plague of Postmodernism
by Edward W. Younkins
Proponents of postmodernism, the most active intellectual movement of the late 20th century, have replaced reality with subjective and noncommensurable social-linguistic constructs that vary across conflicting groups based on dimensions such as sex, ethnicity, race, religion, and wealth. The language and logic of each group is seen to be a function of its own conventional internal system. Given the postmodernist view that there is no connection of language to a non-linguistic reality, words are to be used as rhetorical weapons in a battle of competing wills involving the coercive assertion of each group’s interests. (Read more...)
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Synergizing Meetup With SOLO
by Luke Setzer
I intend to send this letter to all organizers of Ayn Rand Meetup across the globe. I request suggestions from SOLO readers for style and content. Eventually, I will also approach other existing Objectivist Clubs using a similar letter. (Read more...)
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Yet Another Open Letter to Chris Matthew Sciabarra
by George W. Cordero
So for those Bush haters out there, if you want someone to blame, blame Sally and Jose. The people wearing crucifixes voted as they always do. (Read more...)
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Free-Market Environmentalism
by Edward W. Younkins
Without free markets, nature would be left to the mercy of the state. Central planning is made impossible by the nature of the universe. Government just does not have the means to acquire the detailed information dispersed throughout the world that is essential for efficiency, technological change, and care of the environment. The socialist world suffers from the worst pollution on earth. (Read more...)
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A Condemnation and a Letter
by Bob Palin
As you can see, Susan, the more I quote from Nakken, the more sarcastic I become. It is because I find his ideas so repugnant. The philosophical ideas behind this book are so contrary to my own philosophy, I find it difficult to not get passionately angered. I can do nothing less than morally condemn The Addictive Personality. (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 17, 2004 |
 Nathaniel Branden Interview, Pt. 3
by Alec Mouhibian
Humor, Moral Judgment and Homosexuality (Read more...)
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